Checkout these 3 Funny Notepads
Funny Notepads
Checkout these funny notepads.
No. 1

Awesome Citation Sticky Notepad
It's awesome to be awesome. And it's even more awesome to be told you're awesome. Issue this declaration of awesomeness to an awesome person to express feelings of amazement or admiration.
It'll be awesome. If we say "awesome" one more time, you'll never forget the title of these fun notepads Guaranteed to make someone's day - Moms', Dads', grads', coworkers', anyone!
No. 2

Fart Citation Sticky Notepad
As a responsible citizen it's your duty to police other people's behavior–the good, the bad, and the gassy. Issue this semi-official-ish citation for squeezing the breeze and cutting the cheese, whether offenders are friends, coworkers, loved ones, or total strangers.
Do your part to enforce clean-air standards, not to mention good manners! -Because all things fart = funny gag gifts -Prank stuff to up your funny dad game!
No. 3

Honorary Unicorn Sticky Note Pad
Let's give it up for those extra-special people who bring a dash of whimsy and sparkle to the daily grind. Use this pad to salute the magical creatures in your life, whether they're friends, family, coworkers, or baristas. All hail the golden horn!
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